Anyway, thought I would do the right thing, and on his 10th birthday, give him a party with 10 boys... that seems apt. Great idea Mum... Could have left it at that... yep... could have, but didn't. I turned it into a sleepover!
Uh huh! A sleepover!
(Shh... it was actually easy. The boys whom I invited were all gorgeous boys who knew their manners and it was a breeze.... kinda..)
Anyway. The plan was to all go to the local pool for a splash, enjoy the blow up slide and then settle down with a picnic dinner to watch an outdoor movie. Doesn't that sound great? I know, and the adults I had enlisted brought dip and bickies and brie and I think a bottle of red may even have been smuggled in later (not that we ever got to it...)
The children had a wonderful time, they were all blue around the nose and mouth, shivering like no tomorrow (they must have really ached the next day from all that shivering, I know I would have!). I did a final head count and sent them off to have a hot shower before joining us on the mat for a roll-up and drink, chippies, lollies all that good stuff.
Everyone was sorting out "I don't have drink yet! Mum? Jack needs a popper! I don't like this, you can have it... etc etc etc" when all of a sudden
OMG! It is all a blur after that for about 5 minutes... there was noise and people and moving and "OW!" and "OUCH" until finally the boys emerged one by one nursing their bumps and grazes, until... someone told me The Little Man was hurt.
Mother Mode kicked in so fast! Poor Little Man... come to Mama, and then the blood started to flow and flow and flow...
Long long story short... thankfully only My Little Man was hurt, none of the other 9 were seriously injured. There was much hysteria for a while, and then the excitement kicked in. My lovely adult helpers packed up that picnic site in lightning speed, ferried them all back to my place, fed them up, chipped them, lollied them, and plonked them in front a movie... what a godsend they were. I can never thank them enough.
And the result of it all... 7 stitches. Nasty nasty nasty. But he was sooooo incredibly brave and level headed the whole time... in fact kept reassuring me that it was ok. What a darling little man. His brother was quite concerned too which was nice to see. (But not so concerned that he couldn't hoover down a free hot chocolate and sausage sizzle!)
The cake was cut at 10.10pm, with 10 candles and 10 boys gathered around. They all thought that was soooo amazing! 10.10pm! What are the chances?!
I really wanted to just say "Hey fellas, actually... more amazing is what are the chances of a whopping big branch falling on you at the first birthday party you ever had!?"
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