Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What's for Lunch?

Last night we got Chinese for dinner (sweet and sour pork) The Big Man's choice as it was his birthday.

They just came in and asked me what was for lunch.

"Chinese from last night."

"Oh," said The Big Man. "He wants African today."

African food? They went outside to ride skateboards and scooters and came inside wanting African... go figure.


I just had a shower and because it's really cold tonight, I put on long jarmies and powdered up. I like the old powder, but as I kissed The Little Man goodnight, he said:

"'Night. Oh... you smell like dust!"

11 today!

A marble cake for The Big Man decorated lovingly by The Little Man. Pink and Brown and White. Yummo! We enjoyed half of it with my parents and the other half tonight with Daddy. A hotted up scooter, a rip-stick, toy suction cup guns, some more Go-Go Crazy Bones and money money money. He is one happy little vegemite.

Fast asleep

Rosy Rose has gone now. This is her last night with us before she went on the aeroplane to Sydney. Such a sad little story, but I vow to one day own another pig. I will be 'the old lady with the pig' that children in the future will talk about... perhaps on some property in the middle of nowhere... scrounging in the vegie patch along with my pet pig.

Little Tiny Feet

Autumn in my garden

There is no autumn in Queensland. Everything is green or brown. But one tiny tree has given me the colours of autumn... It is bright red now, beautiful, a reminder that things change, seasons come and seasons go, everything changes.

Beach Shadows


A different way

The stuff of life is making me sad. And so I have decided to try images instead... Perhaps somehow the simple things in life, the things I can see and touch will lead me to appreciate the world at the moment.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

My little Christmas Pig

Little Miss Rosy has grown. Oh yes... she has. She has outgrown her little pink jumper. So I made her this new rosey red velvet gown. She looks like a Christmas Pig to me.

In fact I think I can even see a tiny hint of a smile in the corner of her mouth there in the bottom pic... can you?

In the garden

My tomatoes are huge, but not blushing at all.., perhaps not enough sunlight, perhaps some weird breed of green tomatoes... but that's OK, they are still beautiful and I still enjoy visiting them every day just in case they have begun to ripen.

So excited that my garlic has come up! FInally. I had all but given up on it. I planted two different types, and they are both up. A friend recently told me that with garlic you plant it on the Shortest Day of the year and harvest on the Longest Day of the year. I didn't plant on the shortest, but I must remember that for next time.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Reaching Out

Every Monday I get a Monday Morning Motivator from a friend, who owns a business and it is part of that. But I like it. It is surprisingly relevant to what is happening in my life and I often pass it on.

Over the past week or I so, I have intermittently been attaching pics of all my pets to the emails that I send. I now find that the interest is great. There is a little buzz about what pic each other got and I have even seen a bit of screensaver happening!

I think that I will make a new thing... a weekly instalment for those who are so interested in the lives of my babies... hmmm ... yep, I think I will... Maybe even add a quotation too to reflect something or other...

I'll keep you posted!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Night Flights

We have a moth the size of a small pelican in our bedroom. Of course it disappears by morning and I forget all about it for the day. Then, right on cue, just as I get all snuggled in and begin to digest the latest read, out he comes and glides across the room to introduce himself. But it is not that easy... a glide here, a glide there... noooo.... we have to bang and crash against the ceiling, against the walls, hell yeah! Let's even make clanging sounds on the fan!

Yep... love those pelicans.

Food for thought

" ... All of them knew Freeman was conducting lobotomies on children. Sometimes they protested after the fact, [...]. But why wasn't anyone taking steps to ensure Freeman wasn't operating on any more children? Why was this allowed to continue?

And has anything changed today? Where are the authorities now? How come any regular M.D. or paediatrician is allowed to diagnose depression or bipolar illness or ADD in children, and prescribe medications, without a second opinion? How many children are taking powerful brain medications now simply because their parents find them too difficult to handle? How many of those boys and girls are having their childhoods taken away from them, the way mine was taken away from me?"

messing with my head - The shocking true story of my lobotomy
Howard Dully and Charles Fleming

A Must Read

I borrowed this book on a whim, grabbing books off the shelf willy nilly (how do you spell that?).

I am so glad that I picked it up. Oh my goodness. It was impossible to put it down. Mostly because I needed it to be over, I needed to know that it was OK in the end, and also because I needed it to end. I didn't want this sad sad story 'messing with my head' for too long. I needed to read it and NOW.

I was shocked, I was speechless, I cried, I was indignant, I was gobsmacked. I was in disbelief and I was amazed. I couldn't put it down.

A must read definitely.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Back In

It was a long long time ago and a friend of mine had taken The Little Man and his mate to the Drive In to see a movie. The Big Man had been away for the night and when he got back he was so out of sorts because he had missed out on the adventure.

We all did our best to describe the event... telling him about the cars in rows with the speaker in the window, or tune in on the radio and if we went in our car we would 'back in' and sit in the back of the ute on mattresses with pillows and blankets and watch the movie in the open air.

That stuck! From then on he called it "The Back In".

So, on our way to pick the girls up today, I said to The Big Man "We'll be going past the Back In in a minute, it will be on your side."
He was all eyes ready to see THE place...
"Which place Mum?" asked The Little Man.
"Oh you know, the Back Up!" said The Big Man with all sincerity.

Again Mr Purple and I smiled on the inside (and a little smile in the corners of our mouths).

And... it was a bit disappointing too seeing it in the daylight is not nearly as exciting as the night time.


Whilst travelling recently in the car, the boys were chatting in the back when I hear The Little Man singing :

"One Missus Shippy, Two Missus Shippy..."

The Big Man (in typical Big Man way) says: "That's not how you say it! It's Missus Hippy!" Like DER!

Mr Purple and I just looked at each other out of the corner of our eyes and smiled... I reached out and touched his leg and said "Now that's..." and he said "... bloggable!"

Friday, June 4, 2010