Monday, October 31, 2011

Another visitor!

Here is Kevin. Kevin Kookaburra. He has become a recent visitor since he has realised that there are 35+ rats in these here cages he is sitting on... He also has his eye on the baby chicken cage just across the way behind him... He fills in his day looking in the cages perched on top. I guess he is trying to figure out how he can get to them... At the moment 30 of the 35 are still peanut and brazil nut size, imagine what he will do when they all start running around in there ten to the dozen.. which they do actually. It is so funny to watch, in every batch there is always a crazy dude who tears around running on the walls, fighting with the others, setting the place on fire... Anyway, good luck Kevin, but I need to to remind you that these little ratskis are Juliet's dinner not yours!

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