Monday, April 27, 2009

So exciting

The little mice babies have opened their eyes this morning. Yesterday they were all sucking madly (and blindly) on mother's teats as she tried desperately to get out the door of their nursery, and this morning I can see bright little eyes, all pink and shiny in there. I know there are at least 3 in there. I have seen one black and two white. I wonder how many more are in there...

And the guinea pig has STILL not had her babies. I really and truly thought that she would have had them 4 days ago, when I brought her inside and gave her clean sheets each day. She seems to be getting smaller... perhaps her body is digesting the babies... urgh... I still check on her every day but have given up checking on her every hour in the hope that the little ones have arrived.

Unfortunately both Frank and Dash have been taken to the pet shop. No more babies and no MORE FIGHTS! I can't take all the fighting amongst brothers... my little human boys are enough to contend with, let alone GP arguments. They got quite fierce towards the end, up on hind legs, teeth bared etc... nasty.

So... yep, both gone... and the little beggars, at the pet shop they were so quite and cuddly and snuggly. Actors!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Michael Finnigan...

"... along came the wind and blew them in again
Poor old Michael Finnigan, begin again!"

The Little Man was very eager to get those stitches out and so off he went, back to the hospital with The Big Man to do the deed. Returned home with stitches (and bits of skin) in a little jar, proudly showing the world.

Unfortunately 6 hours later we were back there... getting re-stitched. Poor Little Man had just given it a bit of a scratch as he hopped into bed, felt that it was different, felt the blood pouring out and immediately came screaming from his bedroom. Off we go again.

But he was sooo good at the hospital. This time we had to wait and so we sat in the waiting area and he read to me (I had taken readers to pass the time) about Peter and Jane and their dog Pat. He read better than any other time before, I think it was because he had an audience (all the other poor unfortunates in the waiting room). They had read the whole 3 magazines available and were looking at everyone who arrived with great interest.

So we obliged and gave them something to concentrate on rather than on their injuries.

The silver lining in this little cloud for The Little Man... he now only had 4 stitches instead of 5! Here's hoping that next week we do the same thing (not) and get 3, and then 2 and then 1! Could be a bit expensive!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Cops and Robbers

Ever been playing Cops and Robbers? Had your hands handcuffed behind your back? Had a bigger brother on your back forcing you down?

The Little Man and The Middle Man were playing that wonderful game yesterday when it all got a bit real (or surreal?) and The Little Man ended up splitting his chin... Poor little thing.

So brave, although when the doctor mentioned stitches, his little face dissolved and the tears just poured forth. But he was so strong. I could see him digest the information, then take a deep breath and he got on with it... luckily we had a nice doctor who gave him some gas first to take the anxiety away a bit.

He now sports 5 beautifully stitched sutures and that pleasant white bandage which will be black? by Sunday when we have to return to have the stitches out. Looking forward to that gradual colour change... Nothing better than a week old bandaid on your face of all places.

Anyway, The Middle Man was just as traumatised (well, not AS bad) and the enormity of his roughness sank in about 8pm that night when he couldn't sleep for all the images of The Little Man in the hospital. It's at times like those when I realise that I have done a good job so far with them. His bravado and ease of dealing with it was all a show... inside he was feeling lowly and bad for hurting his brother... even though it was an accident.

I thought that maybe... @#@$#$#... no... silly me... they are fighting again on the way to school. It was a pleasant thought while I had it... no worries, I'll just go back to daydreaming that the whole house was clean...

Beautiful colours

I have finally finished the dyeing of all the linen... what a job... and glad that it is over... not the best dye job in the world, but at least now I know that THAT is NOT what I want to spend my life doing... boring... but the colours are beautiful...

Friday, April 17, 2009

Clean the toilet boys

At our house there is a constant stream of toilet talk... honestly it does my head in... bottoms, willy wonkas, poo, wee, spit... ohhh... it is endless... but I guess living with three little boys I have to expect that... Perhaps one day they will all get over it. The eldest one though is at an age where he should really have passed it, but it keeps on entertaining him... hmmmm...

Mum! He's pulling my wonka!

See how high you can pee! I bet I can pee higher!

Ohhh Muuum! He's just wee'd in the bath again!

I really don't recall little girls being like that, but perhaps we were... who would know... but it was quite funny the other day as The Big Man has quite a
strict regime regarding the toilet.

Put the seat down... and the lid... don't forget the lid.

This toilet smells like a public toilet boys. It's revolting. You need to flush more often!

Then there is me in the meantime, still stuck in the water saving period of my life, telling them:
"If it's yellow, let it mellow.
If it's brown, flush it down!"
The poor kids don't know which way is up (or down).

So, one particular day, The Big Man comes home and fair blasts a hole in the wall with his fury about the stinkin' toilet.

You can't expect your mother to clean that all the time... wee all over the place... it's disgusting. Little Man, you can do it!

Well, to his credit, Little Man accepted the challenge head on.

OK Daddy!
and off he went to get prepped. I did not expect him to return so well prepared. Wish I had thought of it... might actually use it from now on...

He is such a trick of a kid.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Couch Potatoes

Just look at these two! Would you believe I took this photo at about 8am. They had been asleep all night and now they are just taking it easy, laying back on the couch. That's Ava on the right: on her back ... again! Legs spread, relaxa-dog, never feels vulnerable in whatever position she's in. And little Ruby is all tucked up in a ball on the left there. That is typical Ruby... always a tight little ball of energy, even when relaxing.

Loom Views

Am slowing getting there with the threading of the heddles. It is a back breaking job, but will be well worth it when I am finished. Mum has finished hers! I am jealous! The colours are so beautiful. I am really pleased so far.

So far, so good... Fingers crossed for me.

A gift

On Easter Saturday, The Big Man went and collected the eggs and in the nest, this is what he found. Instead of the customary 6 eggs, all similar in size, he found these delightful eggs given to us by the chooks, especially for Easter I reckon.

A shining EGGsample of the diversity in our world, in our own backyards. The big egg weighs in at a whopping 92kg. Roxy laid this egg. Roxy is the poor chicky babe who got attacked by Harry (way back then). She has no tail and I strongly suspect, no parson's nose either, and so whopping eggs are easy for her to lay. Next comes the 55g egg which the other ladies lay, no big deal there, but the little tiny one... 15 grams. Can't believe it! Dying to crack it and see what's inside. Would love to serve it up as a fried egg on toast and see what The Middle Man says.

It feels empty! But the shell feels very thick compared to the others... but I don't want to crack it either because it's so gorgeous.

We are all wondering who laid it, and I am secretly giggling thinking of her laying it, then squawking to let everyone know, then hopping up and leaving the nest with her head held high. Did she look back and see the tiny egg? or was she the last to know? and did the other chooks tease her about it?

My neice almost vomited at the thought of the whole process. She has a very light head for bodily functions... but I love it... love the chooks for giving us these beautiful eggs for breakfast, lunch and tea...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny comes tonight. He will no doubt jump over the back fence and crash into something or other that the kids have left out in the garden. He will clatter down the driveway and bang into the back door, which we lock every night, and then finally he will figure out that he has to use the doggy door if he has any hope of entering the house.

Once in he will probably be licked to death by Ava and Ruby, then just as he is drying off, he will trip over the couch (I rearranged today and he won't be expecting the couch to be there!) and all his eggs will smash to a million pieces... and in all the kerfuffle he will look up in shock and horror as a light switches on and the boys stand face to face with him... Aha... finally the Easter Bunny... caught red handed... stealing into our house at night, leaving us sweet treats... just so that Mum and Dad could bribe us all week into good behaviour... blast you dear Easter Bunny, blast you!

Actually, he will come gently through the front gate, skipping up the path with a little basket over his floppy little wrist, get the spare key from the special Easter Bunny Hiding Spot and enter the house, sneak into the kids rooms... only has to enter one, they have snuck into The Middle Man's room to sleep together (I think The Little Man was secretly a little bit scared of some weird bunny coming into his room... wouldn't you be?) and leave lovely chocolate eggs to be oohed and aahed over in the morning.

No doubt I will wake to a fight or too, and will stumble downstairs with serious bed head to find my Two Little Men with chocolate moustaches and beards... that would be the same kids who will say to me: "I didn't eat any chocolate... Uhuh... not me!"

And so begins the sugar rich crazy day called Easter Sunday. All mothers (and fathers) secretly cast spells so that the time goes faster, so that the minutes are halved and so that little sugar stuffed angels are in bed and dreaming chaotic dreams by seven. Here's hoping for a pleasant and peaceful day...

Wonder if he'll come to me... doubt it... the little grot.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Hat Parades

I just love the Easter Hat Parade! The sea of little faces, all topped with the colourful and amazingly decorated hats... it makes me smile so hard... Even when I can't see my own child, I am still happy as I watch all those proud little peoeple showing off their masterpieces and singing their much rehearsed songs. Little arms all moving in time to the music and their little faces looking around in wonder at us all gathered around them, clamouring for a look at our 'own'.

Then, to find out that The Little Man has begun the parade in the front line but has wriggled back to get out of the limelight! I was shattered as I hadn't been able to get a good look, nor a good photo... but whatever makes him happy I guess.

As soon as the Parade is over, the little ones make their way back to class, but... "What's this on the ground? ... (silence)... And more on the steps?!" The Easter Bunny has made footprints all the way back to their classroom... oh... and filled their little baskets that have been so lovingly made and left so neatly in the middle of their desks. My goodness... the excited squeals as they tear up the stairs following the footprints... It must be a great feeling for those kids out of the bigger classes who get to do that for the little ones.

And finally I get a photo of The Little Man... but of course I can't show you his face on television...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Finally my passionfruit vine is in bloom... but it has been raining so heavily I am pretty sure that all the bees have been told to "Stay inside or lose your wings to moisture... a wet bee never survives!"

What will happen? Will I get passionfruit if the bees don't do their business... So long I have waited for this plant to flower and I am so excited... Can't wait. Every other passionfruit vine in the area is dripping with fruit and mine has been stagnant...

And the choko is in flower too... masses of them... I hope I get fruit from both... nothing better than steamed baby choko... mmmm... lucky no one else likes them, I can have them all to myself...

Again @#$! Where is Ava?

Once again, I cannot find Ava and she is not coming to my call... I always get a bit worried, thinking she may have got out... this time I found her in the compost heap with the chickens... honestly this dog, one day she is a human, the next a dog, the next a chicken... confused little poppet!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Have you ever felt like you are underwater and just cannot get back up to the top, or in a really deep black hole, or stuck under a blanket and the air is getting thick???

Well that's this week for me... It's all coming in around me and I am feeling very vulnerable and a bit loopy. And that is what this blog is all about... keeping me from devouring myself with these god awful thoughts and emotions.

And so when I think of myself under water unablge to get back up, then I musst change my thoughts to : Well, at least I have this lovely gentleman by my side, or What a lovely hole. The shade of black is one I have never seen before. When I am out I shall definitely try and recreate that colour with my water colour pencils, or Ooooh, it is sooo warm and toasty under this here blanket...

If I look on the brighter side of it all, I am sure I will find something that is wonderful... something wonderful must be out there somewhere on the floor, amongst the dirt, the lego, the scrap paper, the dirty clothes, the toys cars and the dog fluff... I'm just not looking hard enough.

But when I do look harder, I see a little hand pushing the Lego car along, crashing into the other little hand holding the Lego jet-ski, or I see the big brown eyes looking at me soooo lovingly from their frame of chocolate brown doggy fluff. Sometimes I see the little pile of dirt and dust and imagine if it could tell me stories just what tales of wonder and adventure they would be...

So, here I go for another day in the life of me, collecting the debris of a family, depositing it into it's respective place in the house, planning and preparing the evening meal, and the snacks... don't forget the snacks, feeding the chooklets and the mice, and the worms, checking on the GP's, patting the dogs, waiting for the front gate to close behind my two Little Men before we start the evening process.


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Big yawn

The other day it was very quiet... obviously, the kids were at school, so it was quiet, but TOO quiet. Ruby was at my feet, but Ava was nowhere to be found. I called her, and usually she will come bounding to me from wherever she is, but not this day.

Starting to get worried, I hunted and hunted and finally found her... all comfortable and sleepy on Middle Man's bed. What a life!

A New Home

Today I built the Frank, Dash and Blossom a new house. They were in desperate need as they were being flooded every night in the rain, and also Frank was harassing Dash. Ever since I had introduced little Blossom to the pack, Frank has been chewing poor old Dash's back off.... literally.

I knew he was being mean and I had seen the nasty marks on Dash's back where the beastly Frank had been biting him, but when I went out in the rain the other afternoon to check on them, and poor old Dash was sheltering under the bushes from the rain, squeaking and carrying on like a poor wet GP, I finally decided that something had to be done!!!

First thought: goodbye Frank... Second thought: not so good... Middle Man would be devastated... Third thought: A brand spanking new home for Dash! Brilliant.

So off I toddled to my Pa's house to pick up the jig saw and then into the shed I go, armed with paper and pencil and tape measure. I emerge a few hours later, with a plan of the new abode, my fence palings to cut, and a light heart. I can do this!

And I did! So much fun and now the little dears have two different houses to live in so poor old Dash can move into the new house, or... if Frank is a greedy G. Pig wants the new house to himself, then dear little Dash can have the original house all to himself.

Everyone is happy. And I will build another one in the next couple of weeks, then take out the first house and that can become the maternity ward for Blossom when she finally delivers the goods. That way, the little babies are close at hand and we can look, look and look at them whenever we want...

Friday, April 3, 2009

My new favourite blog

This site is brilliant. This man is brilliant more to the point and the way that he loves his girls wonderful... I LOVE IT!

I constantly smile when I check out new posts. This is a photographer dad who is capturing the lives of his daughters in the most beautiful beautiful way. You MUST go and have a look at hte photos of these two little darlings... They are gorgeous little girls and fully get into the whole photography and play acting thing. I just beam when I am looking at the photos... it is beginning to inspire me to do a similar thing before my boys are too old to let me do things like this...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wet chooks!

Look at this crazy wet chook! Unbelievable!

We have been having heaps and heaps of rain... like the back yard is flooded, am emptying the pool 3-4 times a days, everything is damp inside... lots of rain. The chickens get to come out and scratch around every day and when it is raining, I still let them out, thinking that they will use their brains (do they have one?) and scratch under the trees and bushes.

But no!!!! My chooks are out in it, absolutely drenched. I went out the back door to the car to pick the kids up from school and there they all were, all looking like this... I laughed and laughed and laughed. It was a very funny thing to see... Usually so fluffy and big, these scrawny chickens looked a treat... Couldn't wait to tell the kids, who in turn couldn't wait to get home to see these crazy chickens.

Rang my Dad: God, Dad. These chickens, they are all wet and dripping. Will they be all right? Will they get a cold? Will I need to dry them off before bed time? (imagining myself with the hair dryer well into the night, drying off these bedraggled chickens!) No love. They like it in the rain, it's like a bath for them. They enjoy it. They'll be right.

Actually, typing that in, I haven't actually heard any cluck clucks this morning from them, I had best go and check on them... might be chicken for dinner if they have all fallen off the perch during the night. Ooooh yuck!

Anyway, by the time we got home they had worked their way down to the front gate and were wallowing in the water, up to their chicken knees in it... Like they NEED to scrounge around for food, like they are NOT the best fed chickens in the world, desperate for that last little wormy before bedtime.

I have to say, these chickens get the scraps from my kitchen and the tuckshop kitchen AND seed and pellets every day, plus anything else they scratch up in the yard. They should be plump, ready for cooking, not scrawny and sinewy like a drowned cat.

I love my chickens. I do hope they are OK.... Oh dear... I'm off to check on them...

Happy Grams!!

Yesterday I got a HappyGram!!! What's a HappyGram? I hear you say.

A HappyGram is a phone call from the Deputy Principal of our beautiful little primary school. At first a HappyGram makes you feel sick to the stomach and light in the head, as the Deputy tells you who is calling, but then she quickly tells you WHY she is calling and the roller coaster feelings get better and better and better until the tears in your eyes are not because you thought your child was injured or in trouble, but because your Little Man has been singled out to come and deliver a HappyGram to their mother because of the amazing thing he did, or said, or is.

Here is the HappyGram:

So, after the Deputy reads the HappyGram to me, then Little Man gets an opportunity to hop on the phone and talk to me too... Oh how proud I was of him and how beautiful that he is in a school that recognises and acknowledges the little lights that shine in the children.

Little Man did tell me though that when he saw the Deputy was coming for him he did think he was in trouble... oh how nervous he must have been...