Wednesday, August 26, 2009


"Mum?" The Little Man said to me tonight. "I joined a new club today. It's Chloe's club. She said I could join. It's called the Boring Club or the No Friends Club. I could join because I have no friends. I'm happy to be a member of the club anyway because Chloe makes up nice activities to play."

Obviously my heart broke. The Little Man's Best Friend (BF) has fallen in love (at age 7!) and has no time for The Little Man anymore. At first he was angry and sad and confused, and kept hitting out at him with angry words, but we are getting closer to be understanding of the situation and he is dealing with it better each day.

"I wonder if it is really BF that doesn't like me or is it his girlfriend? I asked Chloe how I could get him (BF) to come back to me. Chloe says I should ask him why he is being so mean to me... I've given him lots of clues about it all, but I think I'll just have to come right out and ask him about it."

I just have to keep my mouth shut. How can I burst a little fellow's bubble when he is so optomistic that his BF will come back to him. At this rate, the BF will feel like the victim of a stalker and never want to be near him again.... Moderation Little Man, moderation.

Monday, August 10, 2009

I have been gardening

I have spent the past two days in the garden. I have had such a lovely time. I finally gave in and went off to the garden store and bought loads of bark for the paths of my little vegie patch. It does look so ordered and neat, cared for and loved. I am so happy with it. I am filled with happiness when I look through the gate from the pool and see that neat little patch I have created. And the few little bits of flowers that I had have spurred me on and I went and bought some more pansies, petunias and the old fashioned violets... Flowers are so pretty... food for the soul...

And the snowpeas are coming along wonderfully... although a bit small, they are there! I never really expected them to come to anything, but the little white flowers are nodding in the sun and the baby peas are popping their heads out from underneath their little white hats... so inspiring, so humbling, so simple...

It doesn't take much to make me smile really...


OMG! I grew a potato! A whole great big potato! Me?!

I did it... I can't believe it, and when I found it, I ran around like a chook without a head, wondering who on earth I could call who would care?

I tried my The Big Man: had to leave a message!

I tried my Mother: had to leave a message!

OMG! I didn't wash it for days... I sat it on the windowsill in front of the sink and looked at it and looked at it and marveled at it and shook my head at it...

I GREW A POTATO! And not a small one either....

Considering my track record with potatoes, I have done extremely well and I am so proud of myself... a potato!

I can feed my family on that potato. I am a provider! YEP! Not just a huss wife, but a PROVIDER!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Out of the Mouths of Babes

The Little Man was outside drawing on the concrete with chalk... a whole ocean full of sea creatures surrounding the car... I was inside on the couch reading a magazine.

The conversation went like this:

"Mum? What would you prefer? For your mother to die before you knew her, or to watch her die?"

I was stunned. Shocked. A little bit taken aback... was he being a smarty pants? Where did this come from? Such a philosophical question from my little man. I decided to take it further and see how his mind was working.

"Well... that's an amazing question. Where did that questions come from? School?"

"Oh no... I just think about these things sometimes."

"Hmmm.... ok, well, what would the difference be between the two really?

"Well, if my mother died before I knew her, that would be like I was a baby right? So I wouldn't get to know her and what she did and liked and stuff and because I was a baby, it wouldn't matter so much to me because I wouldn't know that she was dead. So my heart wouldn't get broken.

But if I grew up with her and then she got sick and I had to watch her die, my heart would break but I would be happy too because then I would remember her and I could be happy about that."

And then he went off all thoughtful and kept drawing smacks of jellyfish (apparently that is the collective name for jellyfish).

I asked him over breakfast the next day if he had decided which option would be good for him.

"Definitely I would want to know you, so I guess I would just have to be with you when you die."

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


And my husband wonders why we go?... why wouldn't we when can wake up to this...

and turn around at any time and be met with wonderful sights like this...

and make and decorate this all by yourselves, and then eat this with gusto because you are 10...

and relax with a friend and chat and while away the hours, drinking cups of tea and coffee, snacking on chippies and chocolate, and making this...

That's why we go camping...