Monday, May 24, 2010


 A very dear friend of mine has been going to the gym madly having decided to commit (loony toons!) to a 12 week challenge! This entails lots of early morning sessions, group sessions, massive walks, boot camps etc. At the six week mark, she weighed in and got measured. She then came to our house and said :

"I am so disappointed. I haven't lost any weight. I have lost 12cms which is great and I can feel it around my wrists (wahoo!) but I really wanted to have lost weight not cms."

The Big Man's brain started to tick... I watched it... and then he said in complete honesty and innocence:

"Wow! You shouldn't be losing anything off your height!" with such concern on his face, almost worry in fact. We both burst out laughing and hugged him so hard...  they are so funny sometimes.

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