The chookies are not really laying many eggs at the moment, we are lucky to be getting one or two a day. We go through phases of eating heaps and heaps and heaps and then I forget about them, and we don't eat an egg for weeks.
But I do have this dear little woven nest that I made one day, which The Little Man has carted all over the garden to share with the faeries and the birds, and it is finally back at the front door. If only Mr Purple liked aubuergines I would have hit the jackpot... purple 'eggs' for Mr Purple. How good would that be? Except he won't eat them and I end up giving them away... often... it is such a prolific plant... it has not yet stopped producing... the Vegie Lady is happy with them... it is my thankyou to her for all the little treats she pops in my order!
I slept in until 8:30, which is a big deal for me.
Christian had already started work when I woke up, but the house was
We had stayed up so la...
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