Sunday, May 30, 2010

I have always wondered...

When little boys get their little hands on cameras,
what do they take photos of? 

The Big Man takes photos like this:
random shots while in bed (his disco light)

environmentally aware shots like this (at camp recently).

While The Little Man takes shots like this:
as you do when you have a camera and your mouth is there,

Rosy from all angles (I love this one).

There are many many photos on the camera that they took, but I cannot share them all...


Ah yes... we were looking all over the yard for my jacket. But there it was in The Big Man's bed, tucked under his pillow! Hmmm... must have come off when I was burrowing for a snuggle.


My new pink jacket!

Where: At home in the yard somewhere.
When: Sunday afternoon while I was enjoying the sun.
Why: because Mr Purple was looking after me and he forgot to care!

Please, if you find my jacket return it to me, Rosy. I have this new thing that is way too big and has velcro spots stapled on it! ooohhh Mum, geez!


Oh, I am sooooo sleepy. I fell asleep balancing on my snout and then my legs just folded up underneath me and I am here, fast asleep in the kitchen while Mum makes dinner.

What a cute little piggy.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Oh my goodness

I have just booked the girls in to a dog training school to try and knock this howling on the head.

Too many complaints and it is doing my head in. They are naughty naughty naughty girls. I feel a little anxious about taking them and leaving them, but it would be one stress that would just go completely away and it would make our lives so much easier if it works.

It better work! I am sure it will. The man was very confident. I did ask him if he is a Pig Whisperer too, but he is not, alas. Not to worry, the little one is doing very well now that I am not playing the "Respond Immediately To Pig Squealing" game.

I don't like that game. It is not fun.


Stink bugs STINK!

I just got one caught up in my hair and when I pulled it out it did the Stink Thing. Man! It reeks! Urrrgh!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Interesting Pig Point

There are curly pigs!

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Faerie House

One day we were visiting with my mum and The Big Man (many years ago now, but I just came across the photo) decided to build a house for the faeries. This is it. The finished product.

The little path leading in, all the brick and tile bits are mortared together with mud, there are walls and spaces for doorways (how did he know to do this at age 4-5?) There are windows for fresh air and even a welcoming meal on the table for the first faerie to move in. That's a teeny weeny cheese grater on the table.. I wonder if he remembers it... I will ask him.


 A very dear friend of mine has been going to the gym madly having decided to commit (loony toons!) to a 12 week challenge! This entails lots of early morning sessions, group sessions, massive walks, boot camps etc. At the six week mark, she weighed in and got measured. She then came to our house and said :

"I am so disappointed. I haven't lost any weight. I have lost 12cms which is great and I can feel it around my wrists (wahoo!) but I really wanted to have lost weight not cms."

The Big Man's brain started to tick... I watched it... and then he said in complete honesty and innocence:

"Wow! You shouldn't be losing anything off your height!" with such concern on his face, almost worry in fact. We both burst out laughing and hugged him so hard...  they are so funny sometimes.

What I love about...

The Big Man?
Wow. I love that he is fearless. He will do anything, go anywhere (almost) for a thrill... so opposite to me. It scares me to death, but it is so admirable too. I have to admit though I have got to the stage where I just let him do the crazy stuff, and know that I will be there to pick up the pieces when he falls, crashes or lands badly. Very hard to do, but its either that or The Big Man will end up hating me for stopping all his fun... I hope the accident is a little one... just enough to let him realise that stuff hurts and bodies take time to heal, bla bla bla ....

"Yeah right, Mum!" I can hear him now...

Two dogs and a pig


I  got a thankyou email today and this photo was attached. It is The Little Man when he wass very little. I gasped when I saw it, because I had forgotten how little and helpless he was... It doesn't take much to put things back into perspective for us, does it?

Friday, May 21, 2010


I found myself crying this morning as I watched the clip below.

First it was smiles, then goosebumps and then the tears... I could watch it all day. I have videos of AUSLAN training and have studied them for hours, but this was just so joyous. I love it. It is beautiful. I can imagine Deaf people, all crowded round the speaker, feeling the beat and the sound waves, just enjoying...


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Little Boys

I just love this photo...

Every little boy needs a little mate to play with... in long grass, in mud, in water, in the sand. There is nothing better than a friend to 'get into stuff' with.



The chookies are not really laying many eggs at the moment, we are lucky to be getting one or two a day. We go through phases of eating heaps and heaps and heaps and then I forget about them, and we don't eat an egg for weeks.

But I do have this dear little woven nest that I made one day, which The Little Man has carted all over the garden to share with the faeries and the birds, and it is finally back at the front door. If only Mr Purple liked aubuergines I would have hit the jackpot... purple 'eggs' for Mr Purple. How good would that be? Except he won't eat them and I end up giving them away... often... it is such a prolific plant... it has not yet stopped producing... the Vegie Lady is happy with them... it is my thankyou to her for all the little treats she pops in my order!


On the wall in the entry way, I have a rusty iron plaque that says 'WELCOME'. I love it. It makes me feel that my house is open to everyone. It is. I lve to have a full house... it isn't very often, but when it is I love it.

And so I always like to have a nice welcome pot too... it doesn't always work as I most times forget to water it and the dear vegie lady tells me off for that poor poor flower out the front. What would I do without my vegie lady. They are indispensable creatures really.

BEd Bug

My goodness. She loves to sleep. I know she is a baby, but she just loves her bed! It is gorgeous.

At night, I put her hot water botttle in her basket, pop her on top, and she stands there rocking to and fro as her darling little trotters get the feel of the warmth. Then as she really gets into it, she sinks down, legs collapsing and she snuggles in, eyes close and she is off... fast asleep, dreaming piggy dreams till about 7 in the morning. She is better than a 'uman babe, sleeping right through the night first up.

This morning, the alarm went off at 7. Immediately I said "Bags not doing the wee thing this morning!" which meant that Mr Purple had the honours of taking her out into the cold, waiting on the wet grass for her to snuffle and find the perfect place to wee. He stumbled into the bathroom, both of us expecting her to be frantic for some attention, yet she just looked up at us, yawned and snuggled back in. It took her a good 10 minutes before she decided to hop out of bed.

She ran around for a while after that, had brekky (in the bath - it's easier to clean up) and then at 8.20, she's back in bed for another sleep!


I love Rosy. She is gorgeous. She snuffles and noses us because she still has the suckling instinct. But it's a bit bad when my back is covered in bruises because of it. I was astounded really when I saw it... goodness me... I knew she was pushing hard and I even got up and said "This hurts!" At least now Mr Purple must understand HOW much it hurt.

Something is going on?

This afternoon, the three girls and I (Ava, Ruby and Rosy) went and say out in the back yard to enjoy the sun and to let Rosy have a snuffle in the grass. Next thing I know, there are two Butcher Birds sitting very close to us and watching us like Butcher Birds do.

It was very off putting. Then a magpie swooped out of a tree overhead and landed in the carport on top of my car... the Butcher Birds were still on duty.

I didn't really like it, got a bit nervous and so went up to give some wheat to the chickens. The Butcher Birds followed us! Bizarro! They hopped up the driveway behind us...

They obviously know something that I don't know... it's definitely not chick season so it's not a nest they are protecting...?

Monday, May 17, 2010

So much to tell...

I have so much news it's not funny!

I also have a bad bad cold and I have lost my voice. The (new) Big Man is off on school camp tomorrow and we have discovered nits The Little Man's curls! So, I am a tad busy and can't write, but man oh man, has it been exciting? YES!

First up, my dear friend Mrs B and I went to Townsville to visit another dear friend of ours... Mrs Reed. It was so lovely to see her. Having relocated with her hubby and kids they are leading a most glorious life! I am envious, but still very happy with my lot! More news about it all later, but I do have these photos to share... (Mrs B became the resident Blog Photographer over the weekend) so I am waiting for the pics to arrive in my inbox before I share more.

That's Mrs B and Mrs Reed settling in for a good old chick flick!

Off to a girly movie the night we arrived... and look at the style in which we enjoyed it! OMG! It was gorgeous... beautiful brocade upholstery, velvet curtains all over the place, mint patties, coconut rough, good friends and a bottle of water each... what more could we want? Nothing except a snuggly pashmina to keep out the air conditioning chill.... ooohhhh and chandeliers! Gorgeous gorgeous chandeliers!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


and in case anyone thought the new baby was going to supercede the old ones, it's ok, the girls (Ava and Ruby) are going to love it, a new sister, a new sleep mate, a new playmate... Ruby will love it... she is the licking dog, remember she licks the chooks to death, till they are all drippy with dog spit. I wonder will she lick the pig? Just so long as she doesn't nibble the pig. Sometimes I find an apple that she had stolen from the fruit basket and it has the tiniest little nibble marks... Ava just chomps on in and demolishes the apples, Ruby is a nibbler.

Gotta go...

it's time for school and I gotta go, but here is the final pic of my baby.

Apparently, she has had her first bath, is all ready to move houses....

I won't have time tomorrow...

so, here is the picture for tomorrow.

And the next day I will be in Townsville, so here is the picture for then.

And by that time, I will be home and she will be in my arms and I will be taking gazillions of photos of her to share. How exciting is this?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Jumble Sale II

What do 10 yr old boys buy at Jumble Sales?

Interesting japanese/chinese mini scrreens ...he was soooo excited about this 'find'.

Another shell bracelet, because you can never have too many of these... and

a lovely painted clay spoon that is so beautifully decorated and painted. He was so disappointed when I told him he would not be able to use it to eat with... I think he had plans that it would be 'his' spoon.

So, that's what 10 year old boys buy at Jumble Sales... All cost $1.00, but there was a half price sale and then because he was so gorgeous he got another 50% off, so each cost him a grand 25c. What a shopper!

Jumble Sale I

What did I buy at the jumble sale? 

This lovely, romantic, gorgeous little bag! I took it out that night with me to a 50th birthday party and almost lost it a couple of times to curious bag women.

I did buy more but forgot to take photos and now it is time to go to school, my blog is taking second place... tsk tsk...

Oh... by the way, it was the bargain of the century... $2.00.

3 more sleeps

 This is the day after Rosy was born. Is she not so cute, all those dear little wrinkles. I am getting very excited now. I am on tuckshop duty today and I had completely forgotten! I was going to go and buy Rosy a basket to sleep in, oh well... looks like she'll have to sleep with the children!

The (new) Big Man

Here he is. The Big Man. My Big Man. Kicking a ball to a mate and feeling fine.

I love to watch The Big Man when he thinks no one is looking. He runs and jumps and twirls and whirls and is so carefree. I love it. His arms are outstretched, open to the world. Then he spots me... ooops! Just like a crab, it all gets tucked back in and he is gone again. Just like me... Exactly like me... I only just realised as I was typing...

We are both Cancer. So of course it is logical and fitting that we are like it... probably too why we clash so readily. I understand him completely as he is the image of me, but I am at a different time in my life and I think I try and push? him towards other ways to communicate, to interact etc, ways that I know NOW would be better... but it is his journey and his life and I had better just butt out I think... but it's sooooo hard...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

If I only had a girl

Carefree Clothes for Girls:
20 Patterns for Outdoor Frocks, Playdate Dresses ...

 By Junko Okawa

Some sites let you flick through the book and you can see it page by page, it is beautiful!

A Name Change

I have been thinking for a while and realise that because I am still thinking about it, that I just need to do it. I have three men in my life : The Big Man, The Middle Man and The Little Man. But I think The Middle Man should be My Big Man and The Big Man should be Mr Purple.

Clear as mud?

The (old) Big Man adores purple, he exudes purple, he is happiest when in purple, so now my three men are:

Mr Purple - 40 years old
The Big Man - 10 years old (psst... 11 in June)
The Little Man - 8 years old

That's better.

4 sleeps to go

The surprise that I talked about ages ago and then promptly forgot to leave clues to is:


My new pet. She is my 40th birthday present from The Big Man. Forever I have wanted a pig. I have wooden pigs, eraser pigs, fabric pigs, now... I have a real live house pig.

I canna wait. She is arriving on Saturday but I won't see her till Sunday. I am off north to visit a friend with a friend, and when I come home, my little Rosy will be here waiting for me... oh how exciting.

I will post a pic each day until she arrives, her mother has been very kind and has sent updates regularly. Poor little mite, The Big Man is going to sleep with her on the first night so that she is not so worried because all her brothers and sisters and mother are not with her... didn't think he had it in him actually!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Meditation Tree

This weekend was a huge one. Lots of things happened. Among them was Daddy snapping at The Little Man, perhaps unnecessarily, I don't know, but The Little Man took it deeply to heart.

I had comforted him a tiny bit before moving on to another issue that needed dealing with and when I went back to check on him I found him sitting on the ground underneath a tree that he had planted in the garden.

I went to him and told him how wonderful it was that he had found a quiet spot to think, under HIS tree and that I was so proud of him that he could take time out for himself.

It was then that the little darling came out with "It is Buddha Shakyamuni's tree."

He went on... "I know he comes here to think, Buddha Shakyamuni. I know he is here. I know it... I can tell just by looking at the tree... "

I was so stunned and gobsmacked by the profound statement he had made. I was fairly wordless then as we got out a blanket, some cushions and he lay under the tree shedding the quietest tears as he tried to understand what had happened that day.

The Little Man has so many emotions that bubble up so readily. It is quite disturbing for him at times, confusing and also a subject of taunting by others, but for me, I am so incredibly happy and aware that I have a little man in my life who is incredibly in touch with his feelings. That he is, as yet, courageous enough to explore them, to talk about them, to let them pour forth. He puts it out there and I just hope that I can honour him enough to guide him through the discoveries that he will make.

He will make a wonderful man, my Little Man.

What I love about The Little Man...

I love the way The Little Man wears the clothes that I put in his cupboard. He just wears them.

He dresses himself in them, he packs them in his swimming bag, he wears them. He never complains, he never questions the appropriateness of them, he never questions whether the clothes are cool or not, whether he looks good in them, whether they are a good choice, whether they are new or handed down. He just gets them out of the cupboard and puts them on...

The Little Man is my first child who has done this. I love him for it. It is such a stress free activity for us. "Go and get dressed and pack some clothes for after swimmng lessons please." And he does it.

Bless his little soul!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Ah! At last. I have had a success. I am a microlender from way back and every time I am repaid and choose a new person to lend to, I email out to my poor old friends and tell them about it in the hope that they will do it too.... and...


My beautiful little Foxtel family have done it. I kne wthey would, it would only be a matter of time. Each of the children have lent $25 to a budding entrepreneur. Brilliant. I am happy with that...

But I will still keep on reminding people... sorry.

My sense of humour

My First Dictionary =

I really do love this blog spot. I don't go there often  but when I do I always manage a smile.

Monday, May 3, 2010

My men

I am writing this post at the end of a long weekend. The weather has been glorious! Absolutely. The weekend has been full on and eventful, but I am grumpy and over it... the kids are being demanding, they are fighting, they are getting on my nerves, so here I am trying to distance myself from them while the dinner is just finishing off.

My head may cave in from the onslaught. And so... I look at this funny picture of my boys and smile when I look at them, and try and remember that they are just KIDS. Kids, kids, kids, little people who have tiny little voices when they call me on the telephone, kids who are only 10 and 8 years old, kids who love lollies and icy pops, kids who can never keep still and wriggle and jiggle on the gym ball all day. They are kids... they will dob, they will taunt, they will tease, they will hound, they will interrupt, they will treat me with ignore etc etc etc.

My job is to teach them and guide them through these years, so that they don't do all those things! Can I make it... Oh boy oh boy oh boy!