I have spent the past two days in the garden. I have had such a lovely time. I finally gave in and went off to the garden store and bought loads of bark for the paths of my little vegie patch. It does look so ordered and neat, cared for and loved. I am so happy with it. I am filled with happiness when I look through the gate from the pool and see that neat little patch I have created. And the few little bits of flowers that I had have spurred me on and I went and bought some more pansies, petunias and the old fashioned violets... Flowers are so pretty... food for the soul...
And the snowpeas are coming along wonderfully... although a bit small, they are there! I never really expected them to come to anything, but the little white flowers are nodding in the sun and the baby peas are popping their heads out from underneath their little white hats... so inspiring, so humbling, so simple...
It doesn't take much to make me smile really...
We were in a glowing winter wonderland when we woke up this morning!
Everything was glittering and bright.
It was one of the most beautiful scenes I've ev...
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