Monday, August 10, 2009


OMG! I grew a potato! A whole great big potato! Me?!

I did it... I can't believe it, and when I found it, I ran around like a chook without a head, wondering who on earth I could call who would care?

I tried my The Big Man: had to leave a message!

I tried my Mother: had to leave a message!

OMG! I didn't wash it for days... I sat it on the windowsill in front of the sink and looked at it and looked at it and marveled at it and shook my head at it...

I GREW A POTATO! And not a small one either....

Considering my track record with potatoes, I have done extremely well and I am so proud of myself... a potato!

I can feed my family on that potato. I am a provider! YEP! Not just a huss wife, but a PROVIDER!

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