Sunday, February 15, 2009

Buggar! I just trod on a chook!

My poor Roxy! I just went up to let the chickens out (5 eggs in the nest, glad to see everyone is doing their job) and they were soooo eager to get out and about and start the typical day in the life of a chicken that they all crowded before me as I walked, and I trod on Roxy's tiny scrawny little foot!

Like she doesn't have enough to deal with! (No tail, no parson's nose really after a visiting dog (Bloody Harry! - I really do love you 'arry) decided to eat it one day as a snack!) She squawked, and looked at me with those chicken eyes, so I rushed off and ran inside... but then, I shut the door behind me and then there she is standing looking in through the glass at me... Yes... I admit it... I let the chicken into the house... But just Roxy and Surfy. Roxy comes along every day into the kitchen and has a look around. Surfy Murfy not so much, although I have to say I have found the pair of them at times in the spare bedroom, and more regularly on the couch in the playroom. I know Roxy feels like she is a human being. I think that comes from the recovery period after the de-tailing episode. She lived in here with us while she recuperated. Now she thinks she owns the joint.

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