Roxy was the dear little chicken that started this whole blog! Her photo was on the very first post... I owe it all to her really...
Well, anyway, she passed away a few weeks ago. She was attacked by a UFO... probably an eagle, but can't confirm. My mother did everything she could to save her (bless her little soul). She now rests in mum's front yard in a quiet spot near the fence. Dear little Roxy...
Do you remember her? She was the chicken who was attacked by Harry (the soon to be English dog). He bit off her parson's nose and after much attention, care and love, she made a full recovery and even went on to lay eggs!
Now we are caring for Surfy Murphy, in the same manner as we did Roxy... but that is another story...
Here are the updated silhouettes of the Nielson family.
Who's who?